-"The words of Allah and Muhammad, without
exaggeration, perhaps represent, for Muslim Arabs,the most trusted and credible
sources on earth for information (...)Arabs probably will rank whatever Allah
and Muhammad say as more trustworthy than whatever parents,(...)media or others
would say."
verses and stories from the Koran and Sunnah could be persuasive tools for
avoiding or
practices and behaviors."
"In general, Arabs resist change"
Now let's have a look at this Egyptian commercial :
Well we can see in this campaign launched by the Egyptian public service to raise awareness about birth control and contraceptive options that not at any moment religion or Allah are mentioned.
Contraception is not mentioned in the Koran as it didn't exist at the time but any kind of abortion or interfering in another‘s individual right to die or live is forbidden. Each life is sacred and blessed from birth to natural death. The Koran says that Allah is the creator of everything, only him can create life and order death.
If we follow Kandari and Gaither's statements, we would say that the majority of Egyptians being Muslim this campaign could offend them or create negative reactions.But most egyptian friends of mine who saw the video embraced the idea, and Nafisat, my 20 years old friend from Cairo told me " I understand that some women choose this option , i wouldn't myself but I am not offended as I don't see anything against Islam or against my beliefs"
With this video we can see that Kandari and Gaither arguments are not applicable to every campaign and therefore are not consistent and researched enough to make such powerful statements